Boo-ing Your Neighbors

Jacob Allred


For Family Home Evening on 10/3 my family decided to “boo” a few friends. I don’t know how popular this is where you live, but where I grew up in Folsom, CA, this is the thing to do in October. Pretty much everyone I knew would get boo-ed by Halloween.

The premise is pretty simple: put together two small baskets of Halloween novelties and treats, include a sheet with instructions and a paper to put up in your window or on your door, then doorbell ditch. The recipients are then expected to repeat the procedure with two people who haven’t been boo-ed yet.

Someone has put together a very clean and nice looking site called You’ve Been Booed that provides the printouts needed for this activity. Or you could make your own.

Anyways, we had a lot of fun doing this! Becca did the first house and came back to the car with her heart pounding. She said she had never doorbell ditched before, so it was quite a rush for her. I had a little more experience, but it took several rings and some knocking before the door was opened for me, so I was a little tense, too.